Thursday 14 February 2013

Angel Wings

Today I got the very sad news from Australia that a young girl has grown her angel wings after losing a long and courageous battle with cancer. There is nothing more tragic and devastating than the loss of such a young life, and my heart goes out to the family at this devastating time. It makes me realise just how lucky and fortunate I am to be blessed with good health and a great life. Such a sad event can put so much into perspective, and its very easy to get wrapped up in our own trivial problems forgetting that others have a lot worse to contend with. I know that my book isn't going to raise millions, make any difference to finding cancer cures or indeed change the world. I had been thinking that my target of 1000 copies might be unrealistic and maybe it still is, but such news makes me more determined than ever to push on and achieve as much as I can with this book both on raising funds and raising awareness.

Rest in peace Jasmine Moohen

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